• January 3, 2020
  • PHNS
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  • 373


2019 trickled in bringing, along with it, lots of changes. We saw changes in many areas.

One of the first things was initiated by our President, Dr Antony Gilbert. His forever-ticking-thinking cap brought about a slight shift in action, when he realised that Charity needs to grow into Philanthropy. The best part was when he decided to turn his silver wedding anniversary into a celebration in aid of Pertubuhan Hospice Negeri Sembilan. Two months of heavy planning and executing, finally the day of the event was on 2 March 2019. The event took off at Rajah Brooke, Grand Ballroom at Nilai Springs Resort Hotel at 6.30 pm.

The function started with a reception march with a playback of the actual Wedding Day walk on the screen. What a return to ‘memory lane’ for Dr. & Mrs Anthony Gilbert! Once everyone was seated, the screen suddenly changed! Dr. & Mrs Anthony Gilbert were actually caught up in a game of Seven Minutes in Heaven! What a sporting couple! What’s even more sporting was when Dr Gilbert took on the role of David Arumugam of Alleycats and sang the song “Andainya aku pergi dulu”.

We were all treated to a sumptuous buffet dinner. There was more fun filled events that kept guests until almost 11.00pm.

The icing on the cake was that all proceeds are to go to Hospice Negeri Sembilan. Guests were pre-informed of this in a simple statement in his invitation which read:

“We have been blessed in so many ways. The greatest gifts we can receive are your continued friendship and presence at our function. If you are considering a gift, we

encourage you to make a donation in aid of Hospice Negeri Sembilan.”

It was his way of walking the talk and setting an example. However it is also him saying in deeds, “Love grows when shared. Give and you shall receive”. Pertubuhan Hospice Negeri Sembilan thanks you for your kindness. We also extend our thanks to all his guests who were very generous indeed. This brings to mind a wise saying by Lao Tzu:

“Kindness in words creates confidence, Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.

Thank You Dr & Mrs Gilbert